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Real World Safety: The Extended ‘After Hours’ Program!
45 minutes just wasn’t enough! So your intrepid panelists – Kevin Callan, Krista Martineau, Scott Oeth, and John Van Barriger – recorded another 70+ minutes of outdoors safety information!
You can go HERE to see the free program on The Outdoor Kind’s YouTube channel.
If you’d like to see the original 45-minutes, you can do so with a ticket to the virtual Canoecopia event. There’s also a 30-minute Q&A session that is included with your ticket, plus another 80 sessions on a wide variety of topics that you can view for the next 60 days.
Remember, outdoors safety is your responsibility, so supplement this information with a first-aid course and research on the various types of activities you enjoy – and in the specific places you will go! When all is said and done, you are completely responsible for your own safetyin the great outdoors!