Real World Safety: The Extended ‘After Hours’ Program!

Real World Safety: The Extended ‘After Hours’ Program!

45 minutes just wasn’t enough! So your intrepid panelists – Kevin Callan, Krista Martineau, Scott Oeth, and John Van Barriger – recorded another 70+ minutes of outdoors safety information!

You can go HERE to see the free program on The Outdoor Kind’s YouTube channel.

If you’d like to see the original 45-minutes, you can do so with a ticket to the virtual Canoecopia event. There’s also a 30-minute Q&A session that is included with your ticket, plus another 80 sessions on a wide variety of topics that you can view for the next 60 days.

Remember, outdoors safety is your responsibility, so supplement this information with a first-aid course and research on the various types of activities you enjoy – and in the specific places you will go! When all is said and done, you are completely responsible for your own safety in the great outdoors!

Have fun, be safe…and be prepared!

To learn more, go to: